The first exercise sheet focuses on an introduction to mathematical logic.
- معلم: Alaeddine Sahraoui
cours d'algorithme pour les 1ere années informatique
- معلم: djamel Nassah
This handout is intended for first-year students in the Mathematics and Computer Science specialization, as part of the first semester's discovery unit.
The main aim of this module is to introduce the main units of a computer and explain how they work, as well as the principles of their use.
The first chapter is devoted to an introduction to the module, defining the different types of computer that exist today. This chapter will also enable students to relate the world of computers to that of electronics. The chapter concludes with an explanation of how a computer works, based on the principles of Von Neumann's machine.
In the second chapter, we'll take a closer look at the computer's components. More specifically, we'll look at the various ports and electronic circuits that make up the computer's motherboard. To do this, we'll identify and define the role of each of these components. We'll also define the different units of a microprocessor and the graphics board, as well as their roles.
The third chapter is dedicated to computer memories. In other words, we'll define the types of memory and their roles in a computer. In addition, we'll look at the inner workings of these memories to determine their advantages and disadvantages to date.
Peripherals and their types are explained in Chapter 4. In this chapter, we'll take a closer look at the operating principles of some of the peripherals whose use is necessary in relation to other peripherals. In addition, we'll take a closer look at HDD and SSD hard disks, and the methods used to calculate their capacity and throughput.
Chapter 5 focuses on operating systems, or how to make computer components usable for the user. To this end, we look at how the OS manages applications, processes and memory. We'll also introduce a few well-known OS types.
Chapters 6 and 7 are devoted to computer networks. Chapter 6 focuses on wired networks: communication architecture, the advantages and disadvantages of different topologies, and the types of network according to the size covered. Chapter 7 provides an introduction to wireless networks.
Finally, I'd like to invite any readers with criticisms or comments to contact me by email:
- معلم: mohammed souidi
The goal of this course is to present and provide the notions concerning the different systems of information as well as the representation of information, whether it be symbolic or numeric. The basics of Boolean algebra are also approached in an appropriate manner.
- معلم: Maarouk Toufik
The ninth-century Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi's name is the source of the word "algorithm".
His important contributions to algebra and arithmetic represented a pivotal moment in the formalization of systematic approaches to problem solving.
- معلم: rafik Mahdaoui
Dans ce module, nous avons 2 parties : électrostatique et électrocinétique. En particulier dans l’électrostatique on va s’intéresser à l’étude des interactions électrique entre corps chargés fixes. Le cours sera présenté les notions importantes de base (la force électrostatique, le champ et le potentiel électrique, théorème de Gauss et dipôle électrique)
Dans la deuxième partie on va s’intéresser à l’étude des charges électriques en mouvement.
Public cible: Ce cours est destiné aux étudiants de la 1ère année Licence ( MI, Math et Informatique) .
- معلم: hafida moulla
1/ Les systèmes des coordonnées
2/ Les éléments de surfaces et et éléments de volume
3/ Les opérateurs: gradient , divergence et rotationnel
- معلم: hafida moulla